Gravimotion Interpretation of Nature

Human Logic  
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Hidden Variable Cyber


In the early 1900th Quantum mechanics Equation 1 providing statistical information had been set. Should mathematics not be your bag, simply ignore it and jump right down to the paragraph printed in green color below.

Particle Pair

Quantum Mechanics Equation 1 provides the probability of pairs yielding the same colors RED,RED or GREEN,GREEN to the pairs yielding differing colors RED,GREEN or GREEN,RED. The detectors orientations ΘLD (read: theta ell dee) and ΘRD can be each given any values from 10 to 3600.
As can be seen the resulting color distribution is independent of the electrons individual angular tilts, which represents a major discrepancy with respect to the previous plain logic interpretation.

When the detectors angles are set at ΘLD = 00 and ΘRD = 1200, as shown in both preceding Figures 1 and 2, Quantum mechanics (Equation 1) predicts that same colors (either GREEN GREEN or RED RED) will be flashed one-quarter of the times, instead of one-third of the time, and opposite colors (either RED GREEN or GREEN RED) will be flashed three-quarters of the time, instead of two-thirds of the time.
This text is in green because the measures provided by the physical experiments precisely provide one quarter of the entangled pairs flashing same color, three quarters differing colors, when the detectors are set 1200 apart

In Quantum mechanics, the 2 particles of any entangled pair while emitted simultaneously in 2 opposite directions, are identical twins or some say complementary; more explanation on the subject is provided later.
Then, no matter the epoch, no matter the country, no matter the time all entangled pairs occur under a unique format shared by all pairs.
Amazingly this universal format, called Quantum State is made of a number of incompatible occurrences; for instance a Quantum State may group at same time the 2 incompatible states the particle exists and the particle does not exist, which mandates uncertainty to prevail at Quantum scale (that is infinitesimal distances).
Finally, in Quantum mechanics, the particles lose their uncertain state when physically measured; their newly acquired physical entity when measured provides a definite measure such as NORTH or SOUTH, or depending on the settings an ON or OFF, or the particles may flash a GREEN or a RED light; in the Quantum world there are no other alternatives such as SLOW or FAST in between ON and OFF; in case of colors there cannot be any BLUE, YELLOW, WHITE or BLACK besides GREEN and RED.

Scientific Discord

Clearly Quantum Probabilities contradict Human Logic. By 1935 no experiments were run and whether Quantum Probabilities or Human logic would rule was still unresolved.
That year Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, in a paper now referred as EPR, demonstrated that should Quantum mechanics prevail, hidden variables were underlying Quantum Probabilities.
Almost thirty years later in 1964 John Stewart Bell in a disclosure now called Bell's inequalities (see also Bell's inequalities for everybody) very surprisingly demonstrated that should physical experiments confirm Quantum Probabilities, no plain logic would ever explain the phenomenon. In effect contradicting EPR.

Two discordant schools of thoughts appeared in science; One based on Quantum Probabilities and another simply rejecting it.

Alain Aspect experiments in the 1980's definitely justified Quantum Mechanics theory.
Now popping out of the measures and defying logic these Quantum Probabilities can only be rationalized considering instantaneous interactions over long distances, contradicting Einstein's well established relativity which states that no interaction over distance can occur faster than light.
And, because no explanation can explain these results until the measures do occur, uncertainty has to rule at Quantum scales.

All in all in science at Quantum scale non-locality and uncertainty are ruling. Yet despite Bell's theorem, EPR's hidden variable, because proven mathematically, must be acting in the background...

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